The Naruto World Wiki
Jun Kitao
Personal Information
Username /u/oddmanout343
Age 16
Gender Male
Height 5'10"
Weight 180lbs
Affiliation Konoha
Clan Kitao
Rank Genin


2/26/18 3 feats bori v3.6

Appearance and Personality[]

A lanky shinobi with black hair and green eyes, Jun is an odd shinobi, to say the least. He typically wears a blue hoodie, with brown slacks. He has a sly smile on his typically and his wit only matches his battle prowess. On his hip is his trusty wakizashi, a family heirloom passed down to him by his father.


Strength: 8
Speed: 7
Chakra Levels: 8
Chakra Control: 6
Endurance: 5
CP: 60
Banked: 0

Rank Upgrades[]

Genin 1:Pure Release
Genin 2: Kenjutsu Specialist
Chunin: N/A
Jonin: N/A
S-Rank: N/A
Kage Rank: N/A


Feats earned so far: 3
Banked feats: 0

  1. Sabre Technique: Through the use of chakra flow, the user channels their chakra through their swords, extending both the reach and cutting ability of the blade. (10cp to intitate 5cp/round upkeep)
  2. Pure Release: Zword:  The user channels pure release energy into their sword, increasing its cutting power [10cp to intitate 5 Cp upkeep.]
  3. Pure Release: Energy Fists  The user envelops their hands in an aura of pure release, when the user punches, a fist made of pure release appears following their movement. [10cp to intitate 5 CP upkeep.]



  • Ryo earned: 1000
  • Ryo left: 1000

Completed Missions[]

Quest points

  • Total: 2
  • Banked: 2
  • Reset Day: Friday

S-Rank: 0

A-Rank: 0

B-Rank: 0

C-Rank: 0

D-Rank: 0

RP and Other: 2
03/15/18 - - 2 awarded

History and Story[]

Jun was born in Konoha as the youngest shinobi of five. His clan is quite small but focuses on a mastery of the sword and Chakra itself. starting at age five Jun had to train with his brothers in basic jutsu training, as well martial arts training. Now he is finishing his Genin exams to become a true Shinobi.
