The Naruto World Wiki

Mission Details[]

  • Date: 2013/8/19
  • Submitted by: Taikenji Momochi
  • Rank: B
  • Overseer: Kantaro Uzumaki
  • Recapper: Kantaro Uzumaki
  • QP Reward: 4
  • Ryo Reward: 2000, (1 large dragon egg and 2 small ones)

Ninja Team[]

  • Taikenji Momochi
  • Hiro Uchiha
  • Vash

Mission Profile[]


get dragon's eggs


tai asks for helpers to get dragons eggs

Mission Recap[]

the group meets up at a bar, responding to tai's flier. They head to a mountain, with a cave. They go in and figure out that by lighting torches, it opens the door ahead but closes the entrance. They do it all the way and walk through, where a wizard sleeps. he wakes up and they fight, Hiro and Tai are fairly injured by the man's lightning staff but they beat him fine. Vash gets his staff and uses it to unlock an electric barrier. They head up, to a large room. Using the staff and coils, a sound is made, which the dragon matches when it comes down. They fight it for some time, having to utilize it's weak points because scales are on it's back. Tai kills it with well places senbon and they take it's eggs, leaving through the back.
