The Naruto World Wiki

Mission Details[]

  • Date: 7/27/14
  • Submitted by: the whole group!
  • Rank: C
  • Overseer: Issen
  • QP Reward: 4
  • Ryo Reward: 2000

Ninja Team[]

Mission Profile[]


Figure out what is going on with the sake River and weird lights/sounds

Mission Recap[]

they head towards the town!

talk quite a bit, Yoso ends up becoming Rumi's little follower person

They cross a river, tastes like sake, weird

go to the town, get Ice cream and info's

head to a farm, get more info's then... Rumi/Yoso kill the poor people and burn things T-T

Kaneda being only sane good hearted soul saves a child from the fire

They head into the woods to find... a Cult dancing about

Rumi and Yoso start killing people

Leader gets angry, fight happens

During the fight, Kaneda attacks Yoso for his crimes on attacking the poor farm peoples :c

Rumi 1v1's the burny dude who summons... CLUCK CLUCK the great demon duck!

and... the guy ends up killing himself since Rumi is a jashinist...

Yoso ends up killing Kaneda as well...

much sads happened today... insanity ended up winning... we are all doomed
